Nios March - April 2020 resheduled June - July exam cancelled
A new notification portal open on your nios dashboard (log in by your enrollment no and passward)
there you can see submission tma if yoy already submited your tma there there you will see submitted if you tikk 20 th july not submit your tma for march april exam then the window say pay 5500 rupess .
for submission tma
here is the official state ment that how nios evoulate your marks
Consequent upon the prevailing pandemic situation in wake of Covid-19 spread, it has been decided that:
1. Conduct of March 2020 Secondary and Senior Secondary course Public Examination rescheduled to commence from 17 th July 2020 and further postponed, now stands cancelled.
2. For the purpose of assessment of learners registered for the public examination, the same is being done in accordance with the recommendations of Result Committee constituted by the competent authority of NIOS, the scheme of which is elaborated in Para 5 below.
3. The results shall be accordingly compiled and declared soon to enable the vertical mobility of learners, based thereon.
4. However, as onetime measure, the learners shall have the option to appear in the next Public Examination/ On Demand Examination as and when the situation is conducive to hold such examination to improve their performance. The marks obtained by the learner in such examination shall however be taken as final for such of those learners opting to appear in the said examination.
5. Assessment scheme:
a. For all learners of Secondary and Senior Secondary, who have past performance (i.e. passed) in four subjects, the average of marks obtained in the best three performed subjects will be awarded as theory performance in the subjects for which the learner was registered to appear in the examination which could not be held in March-April 2020.
b. For all learners, who have past performance (i.e. passed) in three subjects, the average of marks obtained in the best two performed subjects will be awarcled as theory performance in the subjects for which the learner was registered to appear in the examination which could not be held in March-April 2020.
c. For all learners who have past performance (i.e. passed) in 1 or 2
subjects, their theory performance will be calculated based on the average performance in theory of last Chrcc Public examinations in those subject for which the learner was rcgistered to appear in the examination which could not bc held in March-April 2020.
d. For all learners who were to appear for the first time and their Marked Assignment (TMA) and/or Practical marks are available, their performance will be calculated based on the available TMA and/or Practical marks viz-a-viz performance of last three Public examination in the subjects for which the learner was registered to appear in the examination which could not be held in March-April 2020.
e. The TMA and/or Practical marks secured by the learner shall be reflected along with the theory marks in the marks statement wherever available.
you can also downlode the pdf from nios website :
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